Leaving Certificate applied

leaving certificate applied

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year Leaving Certificate programme available to students who wish to follow a practical or vocational orientated programme.  Work experience forms an integral part of the programme.

It is a distinct and self-contained programme made up of a number of modules. The Specialisms available in our school include: Art Craft and Design; Hotel, Catering and Tourism and Information Technology while the Electives available are: Drama; Music; Visual Art; Science; Hair and Beauty and Childcare.

This practical programme makes wide use of active and student centred learning methodologies and it includes seven Student Tasks that bring together the different learning experiences that the students have gained from the courses they have taken.

Students’ work is assessed over the two years of the programme and they gain credits as they progress through each term.  Practical tasks, interviews and terminal written papers are among the different forms of assessment used.  The students’ communication, problem solving and practical skills are also assessed.

For more information, see the following: www.pdst/lca.ie.