school news

Food Basics Package Initiative

Due to the changed economic circumstances, some of our families may need a helping hand over these difficult times with a weekly delivery of free food basics. The School Meals Programme funded by the Department of Social Protection will be in operation over the period...

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Return to Online Learning for Week of Monday 11 January

All parents/guardians are asked to check their mails and students to check their Teams Noticeboard regarding online provision for classes, for week beginning January 11th.   Also Minister Foley's Press Release to all stakeholders from the Department of Education...

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Return Dates for Year Groups Starting from 31 August

A phased return for students will be from the week of 31st August to 4th September as below. Monday 31 August 9.30-11.30 First Year Day 1 Induction 1.30-3.30 Sixth Year Day 1 Induction Tuesday, 1 September 9.00-11.00 First Year Day 2 Induction 9.30-11.30 Sixth Year...

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Welcoming Back Our Students Principal Letter

20 August 2020 Dear Parent/Guardian  Since my last letter, we have continued to work hard to ensure that the logistics of returning to school are well underway.  Thank you for your continued patience and understanding with us as we work through implementing a number...

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Reopening of the school – updates 12 August

Reopening of the school – updates 12 August

REOPENING THE SCHOOL UPDATES and INFORMATION FOR PARENT/GUARDIANS AND STUDENTS Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through the planning and organisation of safely re-opening the school and welcoming back our students for the new school year. We...

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School Reopening for Warrenmount: Updates

Dear Parent/Guardian, a letter and information sheet will be posted out to you about the updates in safely reopening the school for the new school year (for end of August/early September). You should receive this by Friday 14 August. Information will also be placed on the school Facebook, website pages and Teams platform.
When all arrangements are in place a final letter next week will have the dates for return to school. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work on safely reopening the school to welcome back your son/daughter.

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Letter from Minister Foley – opening of schools

Letter from Minister Foley – opening of schools

27th July 2020 Dear Parents/ Guardians Since I was appointed Minister for Education on 27 June, my first priority has been the full re-opening of schools. Today the Government approved a Roadmap for Reopening of Schools, and a funding package of €376 million to...

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