Parents & Guardians
We value strong and positive relationships between home and school. Presentation Secondary School Warrenmount believes that the relationship between student, teacher and parent contributes to achieving educational success. The trust and support that develops through regular contact and communication between all three, ensures that issues can be sorted out quickly and opportunities can be grasped as they arise. Parents can discuss their daughter’s progress at parent-teacher meetings or through appointments with the Class Tutor or Year Head. Parents receive regular reports and also invitations to events on academic and social topics, such as information evenings on junior cycle, senior cycle and third level options as well as transfer and parenting programmes.
Parents’ Association
The Parents’ Association is a very active and dynamic partner within the school community. All parents with daughters attending the school are members of the Parents’ Association. At the beginning of the school year, there is an AGM where the Parents’ Association (PA) elects a committee who manage the responsibilities of the PA. They contribute greatly to the running of the school and ensure that the parents’ voice is clearly heard on all policy matters relating to the school. New members are always very welcome. Parents also have two nominees on the school’s Board of Management.
Our HSCL Officer works very actively on the ground in fostering co-operation and partnership between home, school and community in promoting the educational interests of the young people in our care. This includes empowering parents in their role as educators, supporting young people to remain in the education system and disseminating best practice. Home visits, parenting programmes, keep fit and cookery programmes, Inter-Schools Dad’s Soccer Blitz and in-school student/parent initiatives are just many of the vibrant and close links that the school enjoys with home and the community.